
On the Road

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

It recently occured to me as I was thinking  about Stan one night and missing him as I do every night, that Stan told me he loved me everyday for 58 years. Every single day. No matter if he was out of town on a business trip, or if it was one of the rare occasions  that I would be out of town, if one of us was sick or in the hospital, we always managed to be able to talk a few minutes and say good night and "I love you".

One of the first things that was so hard for Stan and me was that he lost the ability to speak well. He simply couldn't form the words and I couldn't understand him. Sometimes his words were clear as anybodys but he could not carry on a conversation. He evern started making hand signals that we could understand. When Stan was seiously ill, he spoke very little, slept most of the time but still managed to tell me every night that he loved me. The last night before he died he could not talk. His words were just sounds. When I kissed him goodnight and I told him I loved him, his words were garbaled, but I knew it was "I LOVE YOU".

I think of this often. Stan loved me more than anything in the world. And even if we had a day of unpleasant disagreements he still told me everynight that he loved me. As I remember back to all the years, I am amazed and blessed to be loved with such deep and true love few ever know.

Stan sacrificed so much for me and our family out of the love he felt for all of us. I don't know where all that love came from. But that was the way Stan was. He gave all of himself and he gave it with joy and love.

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